Dear valued members,
I hope you are all doing well in these difficult and challenging times.
Today, I may contact you in order to forward information concerning a great event which is coming up in June.
As you all know, the SDC General Meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday June 1st at 15:00 UK,16:00 CET, 07:00 LA Time. Please see the “Annual Meeting Notice” which has been sent out by the WDC General Secretary, Hannes Emrich, for more information.
The SDEB and myself have now decided to use this opportunity to organize another series of Webinars directly after the SDC General Meeting.
The lectures within the Webinar will be held by SDC Senior Vice Chairman and Swinging World Germany president Christoph Möller and Daniel Zambon. This first lecture bares the title “Basic Swing Musicality & Movement Patters for Social Dance Schools”.
The second lecture will be held by George Kranis. The title of this lecture is “Basic Setup & Patterns for Social Dance Schools in Tango Argentino”.
Please also see the attached flyer of the Webinar for more information.
The Webinar is planned to start directly after the SDC General Meeting. The meeting will be finished after approximately one hour, therefore, the Webinar will start at 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET, 08:00 LA Time.
Participation in the Webinar is free for all WDC members!
Please register before the Webinar via the following link:
Save the date of June 1st at 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET, 08:00 LA Time and use the chance to learn more about Swing and Tango Argentino and how to implement these dances in your Social Dance Schools. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]!
I am looking forward to seeing many of you virtually at the Webinar!
Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
Ferry Polai