Couples: Each WDC member country can nominate a minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 couples for each level, in each discipline, to represent their country. This decision will be at the discretion of the host country following consultation with the SDEB.All couples competing in these Championships must be entered via their WDC National Organisation. If a member country decides not to be represented the host country cannot accept any couples from that country.
Adjudicators: Seven WDC Member Countries will be selected to nominate an Adjudicator.
Until such time as the SDC has registered their own Dance Teachers with a WDC Dance Teacher Registration Card, all adjudicators must be registered with the WDC as an International Adjudicator.
Age groups:
Juvenile: Under 12 years.
Junior: 12 – Under 16 years.
Youth: 16 – under 21 years.
Adult: 21 – Under 35 years.
Senior 1: Over 35 years.
Senior 2: Over 55 years.
Dress Code:
Normal accepted competition clothing is only allowed for Gold Star and Platinum levels.
Standard: Slow Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, Quickstep.
Latin: Cha Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, Jive.
The music for all dances, except the Viennese Waltz, shall be a minimum of 1 minute 20 seconds and a maximum of 1 minute 30 seconds.
Viennese Waltz: The music for the Viennese Waltz shall be 1 minute.