November 2023 WDC Scrutineering Seminar & Examination

The World Dance Council is delighted to present its inaugural Scrutineering Seminar and Examination, taking place

at De Bonte Wever, Assen, Netherlands as part of the Dutch Open & WDC AL Open Worlds 2023.

Monday 6th November 2023: 

WDC Scrutineering Course and Seminar

Time: 0800-1200 

WDC  Scrutineering Exam:

Time: 1900-2100 

Thursday: 9th November 2023:

Alternate Date for the WDC Scrutineering Exam & Re-Examination possibility

Time: 0800-1000

Examination Fee: 100 Euro per Examination.

The Scrutineering Seminar will be conducted by Marcel van der Kruk & Hannes Emrich and will be based on a WDC Scrutineering Handbook and Manual which will be distributed to all that take place in the Monday Scrutineering Seminar & Examinations. You will have the opportunity to either take the exam on Monday, or Thursday depending on the study level you feel you have attained.

The Examination will take place with the distribution of an individual written exam taking 60 minutes, and will be evaluated by Marcel van der Kruk & Hannes Emrich.

Once you have passed the Examination, you will be able to apply for a WDC Scrutineering license, with the WDC Head Office and you will be listed as a WDC Qualified Scrutineer on the WDC Website. Future Examination possibilities and Seminar dates will be published in due course.

If you would like to take part in the WDC Seminar & Examination, please be so kind as to fill out the Online Registration form by clicking the link as follows, quoting your WDC Adjudicators license number.