Dear Fellow WDC Competitor,

We hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy!  We at the WDC CC remain optimistic for the reopening of many dance studios and dance competitions/events throughout the world.  We now see competitions and events beginning to take place throughout the world in places such as the USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, Australia, Russia, and Poland just to name a few and the WDC CC remain hopeful and positive for a return of our beloved dance industry.  We are certain that with everyone’s continued effort and due diligence we will all defeat this pandemic, recover our dance industry, and move forward to a brighter future!

We at the WDC CC would like to report the status and successful results of the “Save the Dancer’s” Campaign which was initiated last year at the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic.  With the thought, care, and leading role from Ms. Anastasia Muravyeva, the WDC Executive Presidential Assistant, and Mr. Donnie Burns MBE, the WDC President, along with the cooperation and efforts of the WDC CC we collectively raised a total of USD $34,200.  We received a total of 354 applications from Dancers throughout the world from the following countries: USA, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Russia, and Japan.  The WDC CC is pleased to report that we were able to distribute all available funds on a first come, first serve basis with no discrimination or prejudice to those Dancers that applied.  In total $33,200 (the remainder going towards GoFundMe administrative fees) was donated to Dancers that applied and where available.  Currently, the campaign has been completed and the bank account used specifically for transferring all available funds has been closed.

The WDC CC are incredibly thankful for all those that have donated to this campaign to help Dancers during a challenging and difficult time.  In particular, the WDC would like to thank again the WDC, the WDC Board of Directors, the WDC AL, the NDCA, as well as all dance patrons who donated and helped share our efforts.

May we encourage all our fellow dancers and those in our dance industry to continue practicing safety measures while remaining optimistic and hopeful for the return of our dance industry.  We wish everyone much happiness, harmony, and success in the upcoming months.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, and let’s continue to be kind to one another!
The Management Committee of theWorld Dance Council Competitors Commission
Facebook:  WDC CC Facebook
Instagram:  WDC CC Instagram