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Tag: World Dance Council

WDC Zoominar – Fedor Isaev & Anna Zudilina

The lecture subject is"Staying connected and still being able to project"Enjoy the lecture https://youtu.be/kT1vALZZxR4

Simona Fancello announces her WDC Zoominar lecture

Her lecture will be published on the 21 April 2021 - 1800 CEST https://youtu.be/MhIsKltBkdw

WDC Zoominar 4 – Klaus Kongsdal

The subject of the lecture is:"What I look for on the competition floor"Enjoy !

WDC Zoominar Lecture – Caterina Arzenton

Caterina Arzenton's WDC Zoominar Lecture about her likes and dislikes in the current Ballroom style based on physical principles.
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