Donnie Burns MBE President WDC


Donnie Burns MBE President WDC

On behalf of the WDC I am absolutely delighted that the Education Department is moving the Amateur League and indeed the Professional Division into a new era.

Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zaguruychenko have assembled 10 Professional World Titles and a most incredible array of expertise and has the fullest support and backing of the entire Presidium and all departments to facilitate and service in the most comprehensive way, the benefits of all who love dance, a subject which has and continues to consume most if our lives.

The WDC is most proud to present this facility and we hope it is used to it’s fullest potential.

The encouragement and ease of information is a new horizon which will spread the quality history and expertise of the World Dance Council and World Dance Council Amateur League on a broader canvass using technology and information in the most user-friendly format, allowing access to all.

Donnie Burns MBE