The WDC Examination Department

Welcome to the WDC examinations department. WDC  conducts a full range of medallist & Professional examinations in Ballroom & Latin.
Examinations in Smooth & Rhythm, Carribean Styles and other forms of dance will follow in the near future.

The WDC has now created the possibility to take examinations in different levels for Argentine Tango and Belly Dance.
Teachers interested in taking a WDC Examination in these styles can go to the subsections for the respective styles on this website and read u all information concerning these examinations.

Interested teachers will have to find an expert in the the relevant dances to help preparing for the examinations. A list of examiners can also be found on the pages of the respective branches.

Permission for these examinations must be received from the Chief Examiner.

Furthermore, it absolutely essential to get the permission for any kind of WDC examinations from the WDC member country of the candidate nationality.

It is recommended to obtain this permission by the candidate through his teacher or examiner before starting training.


For clarification, if a candidate lives for instance in Germany, the candidate must get the permission for the examination by the WDC member body of Germany. The same applies to all countries.

If the candidate has a nationality of a country which has no member body of the WDC, permission can be granted by the Chief Examiner.

Department Contact

e-mail: [email protected]

WDC Examination Advisory Board:
Morten Andresen
Hannes Emrich
Dimitrios Karavas
Frances Teoh
Carola Reuschenbach- Creutz

email: [email protected]

WDC Examinations – Information, Syllabus and prices
(click  to download):
WDC Examinations Syllabus – Jan 2023
Click to download: 2019 WDC examination application form


Please see the respective subpages for Ballroom & Latin, Argentine Tango and Belly Dance in the Menu