July 8th 2023
To WDC members in China
We have recently noticed that unauthorised person and organisations in China have carried out fraudulent activities under the name of WDC. We are deeply saddened and hugely regret to have seen this situation in China and we are determined to take all necessary measures to protect our brand and reputation in order to protect the benefit of our members and partners in China.
We hereby state that since the appointment of Ms. Ling Bing as the vice president of WDC who takes over all affairs in China, we have not and will not authorise any other person or organisation to carry out any form of training, examination and other related events in China. Please be vigilant when receiving any method communication to be associated with any activity pretending to be from WDC.
If you have noticed or been involved with any suspicious activities, or you have been a victim of such fraudulent activities, please report to the local authority. We will assist you to take actions to safeguard your rights in accordance with legal proceedings and hold relevant person and/or organisations responsible.
We thank you all for your continuous support and trust to WDC. We will endeavour to offer the best product and service in our beautiful world of ballroom dancing for the years to come.
Mr Donnie Burns MBE will be visiting China for trainings and examinations and our partner Ms. Lin Bing and her team shall keep you all informed with the schedule.
国内负责人: 衣凡 ( 电话/微信:+8613337534315 )
国际负责人: Jesse Young ( 电话/微信: +8618692492307)
我们郑重声明,自林冰女士被任命为WDC副主席,并全面负责中国事务以来,并未授权任何个人或组织代表我们进行任何形式的教师培训,考级资格认证,等WDC相关授权活动。 请大家牢记,如果您接到来自他人的电话、短信、邮件或其他形式的沟通,声称与WDC有关,请务必保持警惕。
WDC主席Donnie Burns MBE 爵士,即将开启中国行程,即将发布最新相关业务,培训,授权流程,敬请期待。
国内负责人: 衣凡 ( 电话/微信:+8613337534315 )
国际负责人: Jesse Young ( 电话/微信: +8618692492307)